From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote:
> Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been
> like the first Adam before the fall, the one who was created?
If Jesus were only like the first Adam and not like the rest of us, then he could only
redeem those born of his own loins.  In order to redeem mankind, including Adam and
Eve and all of their descendants, he would have to become one of us.
Why?  What do loins have to do with spsiritual redemption and what it takes to redeem
mankind?  His salvation unlike the covering of bulls and goats is eternal because his
blood is the blood of the eternal Spirit. (Hebrews 9:14)
Judy wrote:
> Jesus was not exactly procreated like us since he had no human father so that must
mess up your thesis at least a little.
Such does not bother the thesis of the humanity of Jesus one bit.  Only if you argue
that Jesus did not inherit genetic material from Mary would it be a problem.  The Bible
gives every indication that Jesus was related to Mary, related to David, related to
Abraham, and related to Adam.
Yes I understand the genealogies are important and relevant or they wouldn't be there...
but I see their value as more spiritual than biolgical ie: Ishmael was a biolgical son
but Isaac the child of Promise.  I understand blessings and curses to come down
through families generationally in the spiritual sense even though there is a
biolgical dimension also.
David Miller.

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