Say it to me one more time, David, please. I, David Miller a. do not
practice sin (have no besetting sin(s) b. have days, weeks, months wherein I
do not sin in thought, word or deed whatsoever. Does the foregoing reflect the reality of your life?


----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: February 17, 2006 10:21
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

Lance wrote:
ONE WAY of thinking about this:
Who He is takes priority over and,
is determinative of, all other considerations.
Is it possible, David, that you have it

Christ certainly is more important, but our understanding of him grows and
grows.  I was talking about foundations, in the same way that Jesus was in
the following passage:

John 3:12
(12) If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye
believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

If a person claims to understand all the mysteries of heaven and even
himself, yet he has not love (continues to sin), he is nothing.

David Miller.

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