I was once interviewed on Pat Robertson’s TV program, and have a lot of respect for him.  But I do wonder why he says something that is absolutely true and then apologizes for it later.  izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Miller
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:55 PM
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] on Creationism


I know many scientists who are Christians and hold to theistic evolution.  That does not mean that they bring that view in when they practice science.  They are not allowed and they will be the first to tell you.


I don't see myself as a fundamentalist, but I'm not going to fight with those who characterize me as such.


I like Pat Robertson.  He is not a dufus from my perspective.


I do not favor the idea of forcing the teaching of creation in schools.  I am against the notion of forbidding teachers from dealing with this subject matter.  I'm against the idea of it being illegal to teach creation science in schools.  I have known many high school teachers that would not have the problem that you outline below.


David Miller

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:20 PM

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] on Creationism


Daivd,   I have several books on my shelves written by Christian scientists proclaiming some version of theistic evolution. 


Secondly,   you and are both members of the fundamentalist community.   If you have missed the M.O. of any number of our brethren,  I haven't.    


Look at Pat Robertson.  A Dufus of major proportions.   He has his foot in his mouth so often  they now measure  that cavity in terms of shoe size !!


The cause of Christ would become   even more difficult if we allowed this to happen.      At least  the way it is now,  we (the Christian community) can somewhat hide these guys from society.   The KKK was made up of mostly Christian   claiming people.  


Can you imagine?   "OK, students,  we have just completed  our study on evolution from a scientific point of view.   Now , we enter into the Christian notion of creation  --   or should I say the several versions of same !!  (and the teacher smiles.)  We only had space in the text book for five such theories.  I personally do not believe any of them  --  and I need to make  that clear to you before "they" pass some law that says I cannot influence your thinking with such a statement  --  but I will do the best I can.   Before I begin,  how many of you care about any of this  ...........   show of hands, please  .............  I said "show of   ...."  ............. oh, I get get it.   Well , we have to consider each of these accounts of creation, anyway,   and there will be a test.  I must say, it seems a bit odd for me.  I mean,  I wil l be making a presentation of a biblical nature,  but , of course,  we are not permitted to present from the Bible  --  so I really do not know why this is not being done in church  ..   but here goes  ..........................................................."







-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I really do not understand how it is that you think Fundies have destroyed any opportunity for creationism in schools.  The problem is that the scientific establishment has taken the position that any mention of a Creator departs from science.  Lance's position of theistic evolution is flatly rejected by science.  So the Fundies are not hindering creationism in schools.  Scientists are.  Are you really blind to this fact?


David Miller


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:06 AM

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] on Creationism


With much debate, the Fundies destroy any opportunity to place "creationism" into the school programs for the reason stated below.  Amen. 


And, again,  a foot in the door would only allow the warring hordes  (Rad Fundies) to swarm our educational institutions and run helter skelter  --  yelling and screaming at each other while, at the very same time,  claiming victory for the Right Side.     Scary. 




-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There are as many 'species' of creationists as fish. Put a million of 'em at the keyboards of computers and they'd come up with.....well...what they've already come up with. I rest my case your honor. 

----- Original Message -----

From: Judy Taylor

Sent: March 23, 2006 06:44

Subject: [TruthTalk] Fw: Williams on Creationism


Why advocate teaching what you don't know JD?  As has already been noted "Only when we prove

evolution do we need to concern ourselves with "harmonizing" evolutionism with theism.  Evidence that

this level of proof has not been achieved includes the long list of scientists and others who have abandoned

Darwinism because they became convinced that the scientific evidence DOES NOT support it.  So why

would you want to warp young minds with useless information that is not proven?   judyt


I'm talking about fundy creationist versions in the school systems and you are talking about religious people!!!   Amazing


Maybe we should install a different creationist version for every major school system   ....................   I am sure we can find enough fundy ideas to go around.  That way , you would have to worry about consensus and no one will have the slightest idea what to believe.  but you and Kev will be happy.  CONSENSUS BE DAMNED.   KNOW THE TRUTH AND IT SHALL MAKE YOU FREE !!  jd




From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I surmised as much JD; my point being that religious ppl have many

and varied points of view about anything and everything and this is no

measure by which to gauge what is needful or true.


On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 20:20:02 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Do you even know what this thread is about, Judy?  



From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


There isn't a single view of the whole church that is agreed upon

by the whole church either.  What does that prove?    judyt


On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 01:27:56 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Perhaps the Bishop has the same concerns I do.   I know this  -- 

there isn't a single view of creationism that is agreed upon by the whole church.  






-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John wrote:

> The world in which we live would reject

> any mention of God in the evolutionary process, 

> IMO.   But  creationism in the schools?   Could

> that not be considered the beginnings of a fanatical

> fundamentalist take-over of the culture?

ROTFLOL.  I sure hope you were being facetious on purpose.


John wrote:

> But to allow a mere  statement that suggests God

> is somehow in control as the Creator(?)   If this

> could be presented into the secular system of

> education without it being coopted by the fundies 

> --  go for it.   But I doubt that it can.  What a shame

> that radical fundamentalism within Christiandom forces

> the Body to dismiss a perfectly wonderful opportunity

> to introduce the Creator to others. 

In case you did not notice, the fundamentalists are not causing the acknowledgement of our Creator to be forbidden in schools.  It is the liberal loonies like this Archbishop of Canterbury who are doing this.


David Miller





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