as discussed in TUL, I've been working on a documentation framework for Tryton 
integrated in Sphinx. The idea is to create two separate sphinx extensions: 
trydoc and inheritance.

The first one, which is the one for which I've made the first alpha release 
available, provides directives for adding references to fields and menu 
entries, as well as generating screenshots and embedding them in the docs.

You can find the project on bitbucket [1] but it is also available in pypi [2] 
among with some docs [3]. 

The main limitation of this release is that although it creates screenshots, 
they're not from the appropriate view.

The other extension (inheritance), which is not yet implemented, should bring 
some inheritance mechanism to Sphinx so we can update/inherit documentation 
the same way we do with views. This module will have no dependency on tryton, 
and can hopefully become a sphinxcontrib extension and reused by other 

Of course, any help, comments or input on their syntax and features will be 
very welcomed.

[1] https://bitbucket.org/albertnan/trydoc
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/trydoc
[3] http://packages.python.org/trydoc/

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel: +34 93 553 18 03


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