On 19/07/12 22:31 +0200, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> Al 19/07/12 22:24, En/na Cédric Krier ha escrit:
> >On 19/07/12 22:03 +0200, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> >>Why we don't add tryton.org (or the tryton foundation) in Package
> >>Index Owner and Package Index Maintainer to denote an official
> >>module? The rest of the modules will have it's own maintainer
> >>denoting that it isn't an official module.
> >>
> >>It makes sense to me. What do you think?
> >Because it doesn't prevent name collision.
> Your solution only prevents name collision on the official modules.
> The collision will exists always in unofficial modules.

Except if "unofficial" also follow a schema.
I think B2CK will publish his packages under the prefix "b2ck_" because
it is the name of the project from where it comes.

> >Let's take an example, if anyone create a package named trytond_hr,
> >there are a lot of chances that one day or an other Tryton will have a
> >module with the same name.
> >We must see the "trytond_" as a name space and this name space is
> >devoted to Tryton.
> To tryton or to tryton related packages? IMHO makes more sense to
> tryton related packages.

When I say "Tryton" I mean the project/community.

> >By the way having let say a package named b2ck_hr doesn't prevent it to
> >install a module named "hr".
> >
> >By the way, I did not yet see any good explaination why non-Tryton
> >packages should be prefixed by "trytond_" ?
> And I did not yet see any good explanation why Tryton packages
> should not be prefixed by "trytond_"?

    - It brings confusion
    - It will create name collision:
      We can expect in the long term that there will be more
      "unofficial" packages than "official". So each time a new
      "official" package will be created, its name will part of a long
      process to find a free name (which could be not the more accurate

Finally, I would like to remember that if people wants to have a module
be part of the "official" modules. He should join the community and
follow the standard process:

    - blueprint
    - talks/mailing list
    - codereview…

Otherwise, it could be feel as a hijacking of the project/community.

Cédric Krier

Rue de Rotterdam, 4
4000 Liège
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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