Am 07.02.2017 um 18:57 schrieb Cédric Krier:
> On 2017-02-07 18:22, Ul wrote:
>> With a ModelSQL.table_query i can combine the necessary tables basically
>> the stock.move and the stock.lot. It would be nice to pull in Infos from
>> ShipmentIn and from Production, like the effective date or the supplier,
>> but that isn't that important.
>> I would add fields.Function as 'parent' and 'childs', that it is
>> displayed as a tree not a plain list.
> I do not understand why you will need any Function fields.
> You just have to create a Many2Many query table.
They were meant for the client. As i understood this is the marker that
tells the client to display the records as a tree not a plain list.
>> I see the main Problem in filtering the records to decide witch records
>> to show because they belong in this 'in-heritage'-tree.
>> My approch would be a loop starting at the 'root'-lot looking up the
>> lots that went into the production that produced the root-lot. and doing
>> the same with the lots in the result and again with this results until
>> every lot in the tree is processed that came out of a production.
> I do not understand what is this "filtering" problem.
If I do a SQL-Join with lot and move or if i do join two lots in the
manytomany table (that doesn't exist yet), i get infos about all the
lots, not just the Lots that are related to my starting lot. The next
step is to find the records of interest, and I don't know how to achieve
that with the tools i know by now...
>> here is an example how i imagine the output, of course with some more
>> columns like product, production-date and so on:
>> XY
>>   AB
>>     GH
>>     JK
>>       KL
>>       WE
>>     UI
>>   CD
>>     WE
>>     NM
> I do not think it is possible to add random data as column.
What do you mean with random data? The Letters were meant to symbolize

> What I'm talking is that the down/up tree of lots should be a base
> feature.
Perhaps i was thinking too narrow, if you implement such an up/down tree
based on a many to many relation in the base of tryton, than are many of
my points obsolete. I just tried to work with the possibilities that i
already know of and look how far i get with them.

Building a new base feature sound's like a quite some time till it is
usable. So there is the question if i would need a quick-and-dirty
solution in between.

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