On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Florent Aide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a ticket #1992 in our trac and begun work on it. Attached is
> a screen grab of how it looks like on my machine. Sorry for the file
> size but trac did not accept my attachement.
> The text is not finalized and Ken is working on it right now. Please
> don't hesitate to comment, propose, improve whatever...
> The most important thing for me is not that we keep this design or do
> something radically different... It is that TG gets a new quickstart
> template that make people like their first sight of it.
> Florent.

My concern with the original wording here was that it sounded a little
bit defensive.  A quickstarted template isn't the right place for
that, since it's one of the first things a new TG customer sees.  We
should strive for warm, friendly, & engaging.  I'm not sure I
accomplished all that, but I went ahead and committed some alternate
wording.  (Some of the text is stolen from the main TG site).

One of the statements in the original text was "The TurboGears team
has clearly stated and reaffirms here that the 1.x branch will be
supported for at least 2 more years".  I'm -0 on the whole support
time-frame idea.  If Florent & Mark think it's a useful concept, then
fine, but I'd rather our actions speak for us.  There's been a ton of
hot_action() in 1.x in the last 6 months, and that should assuage any
reasonable person's concerns about 1.x being abandoned.  Regardless,
support timelines are a topic for blog posts & perhaps the main
webpage, but not a quickstart template.  I'd also prefer that we
didn't say 1.x in this context, but rather specify 1.0.x specifically.
  1.x will live on as long as people are interested in it, just like
any software project.   (Obviously I'm biased, but I think 1.5 opens
up a whole new world of possibilities for us.)

BTW, for a while I had the following paragraph in the template, but
ultimately decided it was too wordy.   Maybe there's another place for
it before it dies:

"TurboGears is the the opinionated framework that invites you to
disagree, so if you have a favorite Python component that's different
than our defaults, you're free to use it.  If it's a popular tool,
chances are someone already has it working with TurboGears.  If not,
ask on our mailing list, and we'll be happy to help you get started."

Finally, just to be clear, I think the new qs template is very
visually appealing, and a major step forward.   Everything I said
above is minor notes intended to explain why I committed a revision.


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