On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Mark Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Dec 8, 11:58 pm, "Mark Ramm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'd like to propose that we declare the next stable TG2 release 2.0
>>> and that we work together to get a release candidate by the end of the
>>> year.
>> I assume this means rather than TG 1.9.7.beta3, we'll be seeing TG
>> 2.0.0.beta1 next right?
> Seems about right, and that was the plan.
> Though I'm not opposed to keeping the numbering scheme we have now
> until the stable release becomes 2.0.

I think the 2.0 is a great idea but I would put some pressure on
Pylons to release the 1.0 version. They seem to be taking forever on
the 0.9.6. I'm not sure but the last time I've checked (6 months ago )
the only thing that needed to be done was docs. It seemed then it will
take max a month to make a 1.0 release. It seems to me they are
holding back. I'm not sure if there are any developers here that are
also active on pylons and can talk to people in control to release a
1.0 and work on 1.0.1. It seems to me that pylons won't be changing
much in a next 6 months and they are just floating. I think making a
1.0 release would give a boost to them and make the tg2 available!

Can we start a discussion on pylons devel about that? Based on their
roadmap (http://pylonshq.com/project/) there doesn't seem to be any
major bugs to incompatibilities. That is my impression. If they say
they won't release 1.0 until routes 2 , new webhelprs and pylonsbook
comes out and if it will take more then 2 months then we should
release a turbogears 2.0.

As far as sqlalchemy, they are on a strict schedule of releases and
after they went into 0.5 it seems as they will continue on a steady
path. It seems to me that 0.5 is as stable as it gets, we should not
wait just so we can see a different number. It was stable year ago and
it is stable now.


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