> After days of struggling I finally got TurboGears-1.5 running on
> Google App Engine (http://dbrattli.appspot.com/). It runs on a patched
> version of the 1.5 branch using Genshi templates. Yes, Genshi==dev now
> works on GAE. However a /few/ modifications were needed:
>  - Had to throw out peak.rules because it uses ast and parser stuff.
> Had to simplify @expose a bit. Don't support stacked @expose right
> now. This is not an easy task to fix. The expose impl. is a "bit"
> hairy.
>  - Had to throw out ConfigObj since it uses compiler. Don't know why
> it didn't work since it should work on IronPython, and I expected it
> to work on GAE as well. But I just used CP config for now.
>  - No tgMochikit to save files
>  - No TurboJSON since it also uses peak.rules
>  - No zipped egg files. Got some strange error
>  - No database or identity yet, but that should not be too hard I
> think
> Perhaps peak.rules could be fixed in a similar way as Genshi, but that
> AST stuff is way over my head. I would however prefer a simpler and
> more readable impl of expose if possible. Could the TG2 version of
> expose be used with TG1.5?
> I would be interested in working on a TurboGears-Lite/GAE branch to
> try and make a better and smaller package for more general use. Anyone
> else? Comments? Suggestions?

Great news, congratulations! I'm surprised you managed to fit within
the number-of-files quota. And what do you have in mind for database
stuff? Implementing a google database backend for sqlobject and/or
sqlalchemy? Or bypassing both?

If this whole thing works it would be a good idea to promote it on the
main tg website, maybe create separate downloads, installers, etc, it
would create some badly needed PR for tg, I think.


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