
Yes, I struggled with the number-of-files quota. Especially since I
got errors with zipped eggs. Currently I have 891 files, so still some
room for own files. This issue will be resolved since zipped imports
is possible. The problem I'm seing is related to setuptools, zipped
eggs and zip directory cache (http://code.google.com/p/appengine-
monkey/issues/detail?id=2). When using zipped imports you will have
plenty of room for own files.

As for database it's most logical to bypass both SO and SA. The app-
engine database layer is similar and should be used instead. Bigtable
is a different animal anyway.

I'm currently seing 3 seconds startup for the WSGI app, and warnings
from Google about starting up TurboGears takes too long time. The
following requests are quick, but the WSGI app is taken down after a
few minutes. I'll check the difference with a pure CP3 app. The main
problem seems to be that TurboGears imports many things globaly. This
is a general problem for WSGI apps that are not allowed to run for a
long time before being restarted. Need to check how long time the app
runs with constant traffic. Maybe it's not a big problem after all.

There are some big challanges ahead before it works properly as a TG
app, so I would wait with promoting it.

-- Dag

On Jan 5, 9:28 pm, "Daniel Fetchinson" <fetchin...@googlemail.com>
> > After days of struggling I finally got TurboGears-1.5 running on
> > Google App Engine (http://dbrattli.appspot.com/). It runs on a patched
> > version of the 1.5 branch using Genshi templates. Yes, Genshi==dev now
> > works on GAE. However a /few/ modifications were needed:
> >  - Had to throw out peak.rules because it uses ast and parser stuff.
> > Had to simplify @expose a bit. Don't support stacked @expose right
> > now. This is not an easy task to fix. The expose impl. is a "bit"
> > hairy.
> >  - Had to throw out ConfigObj since it uses compiler. Don't know why
> > it didn't work since it should work on IronPython, and I expected it
> > to work on GAE as well. But I just used CP config for now.
> >  - No tgMochikit to save files
> >  - No TurboJSON since it also uses peak.rules
> >  - No zipped egg files. Got some strange error
> >  - No database or identity yet, but that should not be too hard I
> > think
> > Perhaps peak.rules could be fixed in a similar way as Genshi, but that
> > AST stuff is way over my head. I would however prefer a simpler and
> > more readable impl of expose if possible. Could the TG2 version of
> > expose be used with TG1.5?
> > I would be interested in working on a TurboGears-Lite/GAE branch to
> > try and make a better and smaller package for more general use. Anyone
> > else? Comments? Suggestions?
> Great news, congratulations! I'm surprised you managed to fit within
> the number-of-files quota. And what do you have in mind for database
> stuff? Implementing a google database backend for sqlobject and/or
> sqlalchemy? Or bypassing both?
> If this whole thing works it would be a good idea to promote it on the
> main tg website, maybe create separate downloads, installers, etc, it
> would create some badly needed PR for tg, I think.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Psss, psss, put it down! -http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown
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