On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Christoph Zwerschke <c...@online.de> wrote:
> Am 17.02.2011 17:50 schrieb Michael Pedersen:
>> I'll get myself logged into it tonight and check it out. I'm not going
>> to promise anything. I will say that it looks promising, though. Then
>> again, github looks promising, too. Part of me wonders if we might not
>> be better off with github vs SF, too. Some of what they offer looks
>> amazing in comparison.
> Concerning flow.io please don't misundertand me, I don't propose it as an
> alternative bug tracker, just as an additional tool for handling the high
> level management tasks which are not directly related to the code and
> relatively few compared to the number of trac tickets.
> And yes, github is not bad, but I think the bugtracker is also their weak
> point.
> I'm currently busy but also want to evaluate the SF hosted trac option this
> weekend, so please wait until I could have a look before making any drastic
> moves. Also, maybe you can talk with the SF support team via IRC
> (#sourceforge at freenode) regarding the forge tracker documentation. They
> are usually very responsive and helpful.

If you are interested in a "as a service project management tool" also
take a look at http://www.assembla.com/ we used it for a few project
and it is quite good. It is also free for opensource projects.

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