
Graham and I will be looking at the support for packaging of SCA
contributions as OSGi bundles, once the work on implementation.osgi is

Thank you...



On 6/23/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bill Barnhill wrote:
> Hi,
> As I may have mentioned earlier I also have been working on the SCA-OSGi
> integration, but from the third aspect that Raymond mentions, using
> OSGi as
> an underlying technology for an SCA container providing an extension
> mechanism, dependency resolution and service registry capabilities.
> I think my work would dovetail nicely with the work Rajini and Graham
> have
> been doing. Would it be possible to create an osgi directory under
> contrib
> with a subdir under that for each of our efforts (host, binding,
> implementation)
> What do you think?

Hi Bill,

That sounds like a good idea. Tuscany modules are not that different
from OSGI bundles, I think it wouldn't be too difficult to package them
as actual bundles, and come up with a variation of host-embedded that
will load them as such, allowing for some isolation and better
jar/bundle dependency management.

Do you have the structure you need with sca/modules/host-osgi? Do you
have code that we can look at?

Any questions or issues that we can help with?

On a different, but related subject, has anybody started on supporting
the package of (application) SCA contributions (as defined by the SCA
assembly spec) as OSGI bundles?



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