I thought this was just insurance that people kept talking football in spite of 
tomorrow's games probably being a letdown compared to last weekend.  But I'm 
far from an expert.DavidSent on my Virgin Mobile Samsung Galaxy S7.
-------- Original message --------From: Adam Bowie <a...@adambowie.co.uk> Date: 
1/29/22  15:33  (GMT-08:00) To: tvornottv <tvornottv@googlegroups.com> Subject: 
Re: [TV orNotTV] Conflicting Reports on Brady Retirement Very entertaining to 
think that this has completely screwed up some carefully orchestrated 
announcement via a high-profile interview that is trailed in advance and is 
ratings gold for whichever channel was down to get the exclusive.In other news, 
in the UK, ITV's lead newscaster is called Tom Bradby - with an extra 'B'. 
Think the equivalent of Lester Holt. He also writes thrillers in his spare 
time. He's enjoying getting quite a lot of misdirected Tweets this evening: 
https://twitter.com/tombradby/status/1487564502929448978AdamOn Sat, Jan 29, 
2022 at 11:24 PM PGage <pga...@gmail.com> wrote:We are seeing an interesting 
case study in journalism today on a high profile but low stakes story. ESPN, 
citing anonymous sources, reported that Tom Brady is retiring, and multiple 
outlets picked it up and ran with it. The AP is now reporting that Brady has 
called the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to say he is far from making up his mind. I 
have seen a Tweet where an ESPN reporter says Brady is retiring, but has not 
made up his mind about when to announce.It looks like Brady is retiring, and 
someone close to him spilled the beans too soon, and now they are trying to put 
the toothpaste back in the tube so Brady can make his own dramatic 
announcement. It’s not really a big deal either way, but it illustrates the 
danger of basing big stories on anonymous sources. ESPN did use the plural, so 
I assume there was more than one. I think there is a place for anonymous 
sourcing, but in the days when news organizations cared about their credibility 
and reputation for accuracy, they would have probably waited longer, not 
quicker to report if relying on anonymous sources to get additional 
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