
If I received one, just one tiny little DM from each one of my
followers, every day, I would get more than 30 times the amount of
spam that my email gets. And I've had that same email account (not
this one) for over 10years. Why should I be subjected to every
"twitter secrets" marketing message under the sun?

On Apr 16, 3:41 am, stevenic <> wrote:
> Jesse, so what is it about mass DMs that bugs you?  Just curious?  You
> would only recieve one DM and it would look like any other DM. So
> what's the issue?
> I agree with Chad though...  There's already a way to do this....
> Update your status...   I know where you're going with this feature
> though and what you really want is groups.  But that's just not the
> Twitter way...
> -steve

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