I guess I should have pointed out that my tongue was firmly planted in
my check when I wrote my previous post. My bad! :-(

Dean: I don't mean to make light of your particular situation.
Sometimes I just can't not point out absurdities, which the logic I
presented clearly is.

What I was trying to do, perhaps not too well, is point out that the
API TOS may need to be revised to say that developers may use
twitter's trademarks, but only in "approved" ways.

BTW, twitter is trademarking "tweet" as well as "twitter". You have
been warned! :-)


On Aug 11, 10:50 pm, "jim.renkel" <james.ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An interesting implication is buried in all of this.
> FACT:http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Terms-of-Servicestates: "Please give
> us a nod in your app, perhaps by including one of these stylish
> "Powered by Twitter" badges", which I read as "If ya use the API you
> must acknowledge twitter."
> FACT: The letter from twitter's lawyers states: "stop all use of ...
> the TWITTER mark", which I read as "Ya can't use the word twitter in
> your application or on your website".
> IMPLICATION: No one can use the API !!!
> I guess we should all pack up and move on.
> Jim
> On Aug 11, 10:13 pm, Larry Wright <larrywri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As others have pointed out, this isn't a lawsuit. That aside, Twitter  
> > announced some time ago that they were not comfortable with people  
> > using their name as part of the name of their product 
> > (http://blog.twitter.com/2009/07/may-tweets-be-with-you.html)
> > , so it seems odd that you would be surprised by this.
> > Regardless, you'll get little sympathy from me. Your application  
> > encourages many of the behaviors most twitter users find annoying. The  
> > Twitter ecosystem is frankly better off without it.
> > Larry Wrighthttp://larrywright.me
> > On Aug 11, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Dean Collins wrote:
> > > Any other developer being sued by Twitter today?
> > > If so give me a call – feel free to tweet outwww.MyTwitterButler.com/I
> > > ’m_Being_Sued to anyone you want – looking forward to the press  
> > > having a field day with this.
> > > Regards,
> > > Dean Collins
> > > d...@mytwitterbutler.com
> > > +1-212-203-4357   New York
> > > +61-2-9016-5642   (Sydney in-dial).
> > > +44-20-3129-6001 (London in-dial).

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