Well I checked it out, and it says 150 is the rate limit on any random
member, except my actual account is set 20000.

Now this seems like it only whitelisted my actual account. I obviously
can't ask all the members to request a whitelist from twitter, that
would thousands upon thousands of requests.

Maybe it's a combination of latency and the rate limit? Is the rate
limit only for users and not for the particular address that it's
coming from? Or is it also limiting it on based where the feed update
is coming from?

Some more background for help. We rarely actually pull in their feeds,
all we do is just post. Does this affect the rate limit at all?

Thanks for all the replies guys! I really appreciate it :D

On Sep 1, 11:35 pm, jmathai <jmat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To see what the status of your IP is regarding rate limit, issue the
> following from that IP address:
> curl -Ihttp://twitter.com/users/show.xml?screen_name=dougw| grep "X-
> RateLimit-Limit"
> If it's well above 150 then you're whitelisted.
> On Sep 1, 11:28 pm, Andy Pirate <piratea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So here's the deal. We've had the Twitter API integrated into
> > Pwned.com for many months now. One problem we keep running into is
> > that it updates our members Twitter WAY later. For example, it says so
> > and so is playing on-line, but we processed that request hours ago and
> > then it finally shows up on their feed.
> > I have requested whitelisting before, but they claimed it was approved
> > and I don't think that it is. We've had to severely limit our
> > integration with Twitter because of this reason.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > Andy

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