If you are having connection problems like this, please send your IP
address, account(s), a curl(1) -vvv trace, and a tcpdump of the
failure to a...@twitter.com.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter inc.

On Sep 7, 5:02 pm, fablau <fabri...@virtualsheetmusic.com> wrote:
> I am having the same issue, most of the times I cannot connect to
> Twitter, I get 408 error and the API is mostly unusable form my side.
> I am able to connect just a couple of times every 36-48 hours! Are we
> the only people having this issue? How that can be possible? Is there
> any way to contact Twitter folks about this issue? Are they aware of
> this?
> Any more thoughts and testimonials about this issue would be
> appreciated.
> Thank you for sharing.
> Best,

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