Pardon, I'd just like to follow-up on my question in case it was
missed. I'm fine with not knowing what the precise sub-limits are, but
can I at least ask why the specifics aren't made public? I just need
to be able to respond with something in case our client asks... It'll
be easier for them to swallow the idea that it's a twitter policy if
we can explain the reason why the policy exists.

On Apr 29, 4:45 pm, Brian Sutorius <> wrote:
> To clarify, statuses/update is not affected by rate-limit whitelisting
> as it's a POST call and we don't maintain a separate whitelist for
> boosting the daily tweet limit above 1000. While we do not give out
> the specifics around the "sub-limits," they *are* administered on a
> per-account basis and if you stay around your approximation of 20
> tweets per half-hour you should be fine.
> Brian Sutorius
> On Apr 29, 6:07 am, Raffi Krikorian <> wrote:
> > the numbers are roughly broken up over the day.  and the limit applies to an
> > account.
> > and yes - there is a whitelisting for status/updates -- please e-mail
> > a...@twitter to ask for it.
> > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:26 AM, akaii <> wrote:
> > > This is what the FAQ has to say about status update limits:
> > > Updates: 1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down
> > > into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. Retweets are counted as
> > > updates.
> > > I'm a little unclear as to what exactly is meant by "further broken
> > > down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals". Is the 1000 per
> > > day limit divided evenly between the 48 half hours each day (around 20
> > > or so tweets per half an hour?).
> > > Also, I'm assuming this limit applies to each unique account?
> > > Is this limit absolutely fixed? Or is there some equivalent to
> > > "whitelisting" for status/update limits as well?
> > > Thanks...
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Team

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