Hi Abraham,

   Thank you for your reply. Now I am getting rate limit status using OAuth
(new version). Now moving towards main problem.

   As my app(uses rest api) provides user his followers info filtering spam
ones which needs lot of calls so I white listed two accounts.Suppose a user
has more than a million of followers then it breaks operation as sometimes
more than 20k hits are required.

    What I am doing? ->  Through coding I'm checking rate limit status, if
it is available move further otherwise give user-defined error. As I am
using Abraham's code on github , I got rate limit status, but in coding, it
is not possible to enter username and password in twitter's authentication
window, as we are not authenticating from user side.(we will be
authenticating white listed accounts in back end side).So can I pass
username and password of these white listed account and get them
authenticated from twitter(instead of showing authentication window) and get
their rate limit status using Abraham's code.

    In short, I need each of above white listed a/c 's rate limit status so
instead of authentication window, how can I get these white listed accounts
authenticated from twitter.

     Please suggest me the way to deal with this problem. Because my whole
application is ready, just stopped on this.

 Waiting for reply eagerly,
 Thank you in advance.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Look at your request 
> "/account/rate_limit_statusaccount/verify_credentials.json".
> Notice how rate_limit_status and verify_credentials are both jammed
> together.
> It also looks like you are using an older version of TwitterOAuth. The
> newest version uses https://api.twitter.com/1/ as the host which gives you
> a rate limit of 350/hour instead of 150/hour.
> To get the rate_limit_status in the newest version call
> $connection->get('account/rate_limit_status');
> Abraham
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 07:23, Rushikesh Bhanage 
> <rishibhan...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>   Hi there,
>>     * About my app* - my app deals with showing user his followers
>> information. So I  need to check each follower to show result. Everything is
>> going properly except one. While doing this I need to check API remaining
>> hits of account.(whitelisted a/c.)
>>      Now what I want is, if my app is using calls of particular a/c then I
>> should get remaining hits of that a/c using OAuth.
>>      I am studying Abraham's code on github in that it gives particular
>> user's info, but when I go for rate limit status url for Host like as:
>> public $host = "http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status";;
>> it gives result as:
>>   stdClass Object
>> (
>>     [request] =>
>> /account/rate_limit_statusaccount/verify_credentials.json?oauth_consumer_key=bTeyT1WTohdf7IT4JZ4iYg&oauth_nonce=8e7f694db22fead19d8833ab67430ca6&oauth_signature=9BTlNg%2BePdvIENSxqd%2B6quZ5bms%3D&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1273497259&oauth_token=113883944-6A9NCG9DCkZ0DpJnHzBxZCxPEcezD2Pmn32pmc5O&oauth_version=1.0
>>     [error] => Not found
>> )
>> Am I going wrong way? Can you suggest me the right one?
>>  Thank you in advance.
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
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