
I asked explicitly about this at the Developer meetup earlier this
year, and received "No Comment" for an answer. Twice. Maybe there
needed to be a lot of discussion about this before a decision was
announced, but ... wow!

To Liz's point there is no language in the blog post about partnership
or cooperation based on Twitter's guidelines (which I'm sure most
would be very open to). The post does mention there being
"opportunities to sell ads", but are those "opportunities" only
available to Twitter?

Please elaborate.

On May 24, 10:01 am, Larry Wright <larrywri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's how I read it as well, but there's certainly some gray area
> there. Some twitter clients just display an ad at the top of bottom of
> the app, those would seem to be ok. Some I've seen recently put things
> in the timeline that look exactly like tweets (except for a line at
> the bottom that says "sponsored tweet" or similar. Those would seem to
> be obviously NOT ok. But then there are apps that insert a graphical
> ad in the timeline (clearly not a tweet)... are those ok? I think
> Tweetie for OS X used to do this.
> On May 24, 11:27 am, Shannon Clark <shannon.cl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm not at Twitter but I read the blog post as saying that ads around  
> > the Twitter timeline (as part of the UI of an application or website)  
> > are fine but ads IN the Twitter timeline (as paid tweets) are not.
> > Shannon
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > On May 24, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Liz <nwjersey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Ryan,
> > > It's confusing to me that Dick says there will be no third party ads
> > > (8th paragraph) but under Fostering Innovation, #2, he talks apps
> > > about selling ads. Does this decision do away with services like
> > > Sponsored Tweets?
> > > I appreciate such a thoughtful blog post (and hope there are more in
> > > the future) but what is absent is any language of partnership or
> > > collaboration. Twitter's goals are stated and basically, everyone else
> > > has to deal with the consequence.
> > > Also, the language of optimizing user experience. Can you tell me what
> > > is the basis of user experience testing that occurs at Twitter?
> > > Because there is no mechanism for users to offer feedback to Twitter
> > > about their "experience". How do you know whether a development
> > > enhances user experience or not? It seems like Twitter does what they
> > > think is best, regardless of what the bulk of users might want.
> > > Thanks for any answers you can provide.
> > > Liz Pullen
> > > nwjer...@yahoo.com

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