
ATOM形式でsearch APIを使うパッチを作ってみました。

search-mode branchのHEAD


松尾 直志 <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
>From cd069329b8eda93c3e01442dabbdab823f118b60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tadashi MATSUO <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 02:14:27 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] `twittering-format-status' replaces null property by empty 

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-format-status): replace a lacked
property by an empty string.
 ChangeLog          |    5 +++++
 twittering-mode.el |    4 ++--
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 484452b..38b872f 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2010-02-05  Tadashi MATSUO  <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
+       * twittering-mode.el (twittering-format-status): replace a lacked
+       property by an empty string.
 2010-02-04  Tadashi MATSUO  <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
        * twittering-mode.el (twittering-status-to-status-datum): assign a
diff --git a/twittering-mode.el b/twittering-mode.el
index 19dfc10..974527b 100644
--- a/twittering-mode.el
+++ b/twittering-mode.el
@@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ following symbols;
 Specification of format-str is described in the document for the
 variable `twittering-status-format'"
   (flet ((attr (key)
-              (assocref key status))
+              (or (assocref key status) ""))
          (let ((profile-image-url (attr 'user-profile-image-url))
@@ -2401,7 +2401,7 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'"
                               in-reply-to-string url))))))
              ("R" .
               ,(let ((retweeted-by (attr 'original-user-screen-name)))
-                 (if retweeted-by
+                 (if (not (string= "" retweeted-by))
                      (concat " (retweeted by " retweeted-by ")")

>From 7806145b8307d0ef5c3262330434eddc61d2cd61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tadashi MATSUO <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 02:14:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Use ATOM for retrieving "search" timeline instead of JSON.

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-get-status-from-http-response):
use ATOM format instead of JSON format.
(twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status-datum): new function for
converting an entry of ATOM into a status alist.
(twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status): new function for converting a
XML tree of ATOM into a list of status alists.
(twittering-json-to-status-datum): removed.
(twittering-json-to-status): removed.
(twittering-get-tweets): retrieve "search" timeline in ATOM format
instead of JSON format.
(twittering-get-and-render-timeline): remove dependence on
(twittering-search): likewise.
 ChangeLog          |   14 ++++
 twittering-mode.el |  173 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 38b872f..8871615 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@
        * twittering-mode.el (twittering-format-status): replace a lacked
        property by an empty string.
+       * twittering-mode.el (twittering-get-status-from-http-response):
+       use ATOM format instead of JSON format.
+       (twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status-datum): new function for
+       converting an entry of ATOM into a status alist.
+       (twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status): new function for converting a
+       XML tree of ATOM into a list of status alists.
+       (twittering-json-to-status-datum): removed.
+       (twittering-json-to-status): removed.
+       (twittering-get-tweets): retrieve "search" timeline in ATOM format
+       instead of JSON format.
+       (twittering-get-and-render-timeline): remove dependence on
+       `json.el'.
+       (twittering-search): likewise.
 2010-02-04  Tadashi MATSUO  <t...@mymail.twin.jp>
        * twittering-mode.el (twittering-status-to-status-datum): assign a
diff --git a/twittering-mode.el b/twittering-mode.el
index 974527b..7304e7c 100644
--- a/twittering-mode.el
+++ b/twittering-mode.el
@@ -1713,10 +1713,9 @@ Return nil when parse failed.
 `buffer' may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer. "
    ((eq 'search (car spec))
-    (let ((body-string (twittering-get-response-body buffer)))
-      (when body-string
-       (let ((json-data (json-read-from-string body-string)))
-         (reverse (twittering-json-to-status json-data))))))
+    (let ((body (twittering-get-response-body buffer 'xml-parse-region)))
+      (when body
+       (reverse (twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status body)))))
     (let ((body (twittering-get-response-body buffer 'xml-parse-region)))
       (when body
@@ -1743,94 +1742,58 @@ If ID of STATUS-DATUM is already in ID-TABLE, return 
nil. If not, return t."
        (puthash source-id t id-table))
-(defun twittering-json-to-status-datum (status)
-  (flet ((assq-get (item seq)
-                  (cdr (assq item seq))))
-    (let* (id text source created-at truncated
-             in-reply-to-status-id
-             in-reply-to-screen-name
-             user-id user-name
-             user-screen-name
-             user-location
-             user-description
-             user-profile-image-url
-             user-url
-             user-protected
-             regex-index
-             (retweeted-status-data (cddr (assq 'retweeted_status status)))
-             original-user-name
-             original-user-screen-name)
-      ;; save original status and adjust data if status was retweeted
-      (when retweeted-status-data
-       (setq original-user-screen-name (twittering-decode-html-entities
-                                        (assq-get 'screen_name status))
-             original-user-name (twittering-decode-html-entities
-                                 (assq-get 'name status)))
-       (setq status retweeted-status-data))
-      (setq id (format "%1.0f" (assq-get 'id status)))
-      (setq text (twittering-decode-html-entities
-                 (assq-get 'text status)))
-      (setq source (twittering-decode-html-entities
-                   (assq-get 'source status)))
-      (setq created-at (assq-get 'created_at status))
-      (setq truncated (assq-get 'truncated status))
-      ;;(setq in-reply-to-status-id
-      ;;           (twittering-decode-html-entities
-      ;;            (assq-get 'in_reply_to_status_id status-data)))
-      ;;(setq in-reply-to-screen-name
-      ;;           (twittering-decode-html-entities
-      ;;            (assq-get 'in_reply_to_screen_name status-data)))
-      ;;(setq user-id (assq-get 'id user-data))
-      ;;(setq user-name (twittering-decode-html-entities
-      ;;                      (assq-get 'from_user status)))
-      (setq user-screen-name (twittering-decode-html-entities
-                             (assq-get 'from_user status)))
-      ;;(setq user-location (twittering-decode-html-entities
-      ;;                          (assq-get 'location user-data)))
-      ;;(setq user-description (twittering-decode-html-entities
-      ;;                             (assq-get 'description user-data)))
-      (setq user-profile-image-url (assq-get 'profile_image_url status))
-      ;;(message "%s" user-profile-image-url)
-      ;;(setq user-url (assq-get 'url user-data))
-      ;;(setq user-protected (assq-get 'protected user-data))
-      ;; save last update time
-      (when (or (null twittering-timeline-last-update)
-               (< (twittering-created-at-to-seconds
-                   twittering-timeline-last-update)
-                  (twittering-created-at-to-seconds created-at)))
-       (setq twittering-timeline-last-update created-at))
-      (twittering-make-clickable-status-datum
-       (mapcar
-       (lambda (sym)
-         `(,sym . ,(symbol-value sym)))
-       '(id text source created-at truncated
-            in-reply-to-status-id
-            in-reply-to-screen-name
-            user-id user-name user-screen-name user-location
-            user-description
-            user-profile-image-url
-            user-url
-            user-protected
-            original-user-name
-            original-user-screen-name))))))
-(defun twittering-json-to-status (xmltree)
-  (mapcar #'twittering-json-to-status-datum
-         ;; quirk to treat difference between xml.el in Emacs21 and Emacs22
-         ;; On Emacs22, there may be blank strings
-         (let* ((ret nil)
-                (statuses (cdr (assq 'results (cdr xmltree))))
-                (n (- (length statuses) 1)))
-           (while (>= n 0)
-             (setq ret (cons (elt statuses n) ret))
-             (setq n (- n 1)))
-           ret)))
+(defun twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status-datum (atom-xml-entry)
+  (let* ((id-str (car (cddr (assq 'id atom-xml-entry))))
+        (time-str (car (cddr (assq 'updated atom-xml-entry))))
+        (author-str (car (cddr (assq 'name (assq 'author atom-xml-entry))))))
+    `((created-at
+       . ,(if (string-match "\\(.*\\)T\\(.*\\)Z" time-str)
+             ;; time-str is formatted as
+             ;; "Combined date and time in UTC:" in ISO 8601.
+             (format "%s %s +0000"
+                     (match-string 1 time-str) (match-string 2 time-str))
+           ;; unknown format?
+           time-str))
+      (id . ,(progn
+              (string-match ":\\([0-9]+\\)$" id-str)
+              (match-string 1 id-str)))
+      (source
+       . ,(let ((html (car (cddr (assq 'twitter:source atom-xml-entry)))))
+           (when (string-match
+                  "<a href=\"\\(.*?\\)\".*?>\\(.*\\)</a>" html)
+             (let ((uri (match-string-no-properties 1 html))
+                   (caption (match-string-no-properties 2 html)))
+               caption))))
+      (text . ,(car (cddr (assq 'title atom-xml-entry))))
+      ,@(progn
+         (string-match "^\\([^ ]+\\) (\\(.*\\))$" author-str)
+         `((user-screen-name . ,(match-string 1 author-str))
+           (user-name . ,(match-string 2 author-str))))
+      (user-profile-image-url
+       . ,(let* ((link-items
+                 (mapcar
+                  (lambda (item)
+                    (when (eq 'link (car-safe item))
+                      (cadr item)))
+                  atom-xml-entry))
+                (image-urls
+                 (mapcar
+                  (lambda (item)
+                    (when (member '(rel . "image") item)
+                      (cdr (assq 'href item))))
+                  link-items)))
+           (car-safe (remq nil image-urls)))))))
+(defun twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status (atom-xmltree)
+  (let ((entry-list
+         (apply 'append
+                (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (eq (car-safe x) 'entry) `(,x) nil))
+                        (cdar atom-xmltree)))))
+    (mapcar
+       (lambda (entry)
+        (twittering-make-clickable-status-datum
+         (twittering-atom-xmltree-to-status-datum entry)))
+       entry-list)))
 (defun twittering-status-to-status-datum (status)
   (flet ((assq-get (item seq)
@@ -2573,7 +2536,7 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'"
          (twittering-http-get host method
                               noninteractive parameters
-                              "json"))
+                              "atom"))
          (add-to-list 'parameters
                       (cons (if (string-match regexp-list-method method)
@@ -2617,17 +2580,13 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'"
     (if (twittering-timeline-spec-primary-p spec)
        (let ((info (twittering-timeline-spec-to-host-method spec))
              (is-search-spec (eq 'search (car spec))))
-         (cond
-          ((null info) nil)
-          ((and is-search-spec (not (require 'json nil t)))
-           (message "search-mode is currently disabled; need json.el."))
-          (t
+         (when info
            (let* ((host (elt info 0))
                   (method (elt info 1))
                   (word (and is-search-spec (cadr spec)))
                   (proc (twittering-get-tweets host method noninteractive
                                                id word)))
-             (twittering-register-process proc spec)))))
+             (twittering-register-process proc spec))))
       (let ((type (car spec)))
        (error "%s has not been supported yet" type)))))
@@ -3024,15 +2983,13 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'"
 (defun twittering-search (&optional word)
-  (if (require 'json nil t)
-      (progn
-       (if (null word)
-           (setq word (read-from-minibuffer "search: " nil nil nil 
'twittering-search-history nil t)))
-       (if (> (length word) 0)
-             (let ((spec `(search ,word)))
-               (twittering-get-and-render-timeline spec))
-         (message "No query string")))
-    (message "search-mode is currently disabled; need json.el.")))
+  (let ((word (or word
+                 (read-from-minibuffer "search: " nil nil nil
+                                       'twittering-search-history nil t))))
+    (if (> (length word) 0)
+       (let ((spec `(search ,word)))
+         (twittering-get-and-render-timeline spec))
+      (message "No query string"))))
 (defun twittering-make-list-from-assoc (key data)
   (mapcar (lambda (status)

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