Roland Frei wrote:
> hello everyone.
> i have a general question about filetransfer.
> i want to transfer large files >4gb.
> i just need a upload and i need authetification and a crc-check would be
> nice.
> ftp looks like the right protocol. but i have a lot of trouble with this
> large files on ftp.
> is there a other protocol that can do this ?

I think FTP is the right protocol, however ICS does support such
big files without changes. 

Here is an example:

function TCustomWSocket.Receive(Buffer : Pointer; BufferSize: integer) : 
    Result := DoRecv(Buffer^, BufferSize, 0);
    if Result < 0 then
        FLastError := WSocket_Synchronized_WSAGetLastError
        { Here we should check for overflows ! It is well possible to }
        { receive more than 2GB during a single session.              }
        { Or we could use an Int64 variable...                        }
        FReadCount := FReadCount + Result;

Arno Garrels

> thanks for any idea.
>    roland
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