Maurizio Lotauro wrote:
> On 30-Nov-05 08:19:53 Arno Garrels wrote:
>> Maurizio Lotauro wrote:
> [...]
>>> Will they contains passwords?
>> Yes, with an option to save the MD5-hash only.
> What is the purpose of the component?
> The target is server only or client too?

I made it to manage user accounts no matter whether
the application is client or server.

> [...]
>>>> Are there alternatives?
>>> Why don't use the streaming capabilities of components?
>> The XML stuff is a hell. The only advantage of XML is that it can
>> be stored in a human readable form, every thing else is a pain.
> The content of the dfm are usually human readable too.
> I think that XML is useful only when you need to exchange data with
> some others, in all other case it add only an overhead.
>> I think I'll kick it out again.
> I didn't catch what you mean.

I ment I will remove the XML support (probably). 

The component is designed as an 'in memory' account/user database capable
to authenticate users and to store the account data (actually to binary file,
or to an XML file optionaly). I need such a simple component for a service
application that runs a TWSocketServer. The server needs to load user account
data on service start. When a client wants to edit users the server sends entire
data to the client, after editing client sends data back and server saves
data to disc locally.  

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

> Bye, Maurizio.
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