> In THttpCli.DoRequestAsync a valid FURL is being passed into ParseURL but
> everything is coming back NULL...
>    else begin
>        ParseURL(FURL, Proto, User, Pass, Host, Port, FPath);
>        FTargetHost := Host;
>        FDocName    := FPath;
>        FProtocol   := Proto;
>        if User <> '' then
>            FCurrUserName := User;
>        if Pass <> '' then
>            FCurrPassword := Pass;
A valid FURL is being passed in but in icsUrl.pas ParseUrl is exiting with 
the test below

   if Length(url) < 1 then

I don't find icsUrl.pas in the folder where the old ICS version is, did this 
module not exit in older versions?  When I try to single step into ParseUrl 
I'm prompted to browse to the location of the file, not sure if that is 
expected or is in anyway a clue about the problem.


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