David Tod Sigafoos wrote:


Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 4:57:21 PM, you wrote:

B> Dave:

B> I'm just guessing here but I wonder if there is a registry setting
B> inke in
HLM >> Software > Informix (or is it IBM) > Universe (or UniData) that sets
B> the port for telnet.

I have modified the setting and I know the setting took root as trying
to start the link got message back that it couldn't connect

But when telnet 7005 it reacts the same.

This is just so weird .. it only happens on U2 databases.  I have
SqlServer, MySql and others and they work just fine.

Guess i will just need to move to another environment <G>

On my development machine I have the M$ telnet service disabled. If yours is still running it will intercept your telnet request before UV sees it. That is the last
idea in my head.  The (head) room is now completely empty. :-)

Ron White
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