Outstanding... I am 1000% in favor of this initiative.

I have never been able to get PE to work on a PC... always running into
install problems.

Beefing up PE would be the best advertizing that IBM could hope for...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Barouch
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:39 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] Incubator - News from the board

    The U2UG board has been discussing the 'incubator plan' and we will 
soon be presenting a draft proposal to membership. Here's what we are 
discussing in broad brushstrokes - all feedback appreciated.

    We want an *easy* *legal* way to get PE editions into the hands of 
business people, college students, entrepreneurs, and other market 
expanders. More than that, we need to get people a version of the PE 
software which is chock full of examples, training materials, and useful 

    Here's what we have in mind: We want to build an installer which 
pulls the PE editions from the IBM website (allowing the user to sign 
the IBM agreement), pulls Learner Packs from the U2UG website (allowing 
the user to sign the U2UG agreement - designed to protect the content 
all of you will - hopefully - contribute). Finally, the installer will 
bootstrap the Learner Packs into the PE installation, so the accounts, 
files, and programs, etc. are all in place.
     The end result will be a full install, with URLs to get them to the 
U2UG and other key locations. It will allow people to see our technology 
in the best light possible. Opinions? Flames? Offers to Help?

    Charles Barouch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
    www.KeyAlly.com (718) 762-3884 x 1
    P. O. Box 540957, Queens, NY 11354
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