Good luck with that.  All I have to say about Gentoo is be careful with
compiler flags going a little too crazy and ports (or whatever they call
them, I forget) getting out of sync.

Would be nice to get UV on FreeBSD but it seems to work beautifully on
Windows.. no complaints so far =)  Microsoft apparently put enough hard work
into Windows to turn it from the toy that was NT4 into a robust OS suitable
for enterprise use (didn't think I'd ever say that 8 years ago...)


On 5/10/07, Anthony Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to get a working Gentoo at home. That's a game and a half :-)
> When I succeed I'll likely try and create an ebuild to install UVPE. Be
> nice to get that officially into portage :-)
> (I want to get a WordPerfect 8 ebuild working, too :-)
> Cheers,
> Wol
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brutzman, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 May 2007 15:41
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [U2] Incubator - News from the board
> Outstanding... I am 1000% in favor of this initiative.
> I have never been able to get PE to work on a PC... always running into
> install problems.
> Beefing up PE would be the best advertizing that IBM could hope for...
> --Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Barouch
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [U2] Incubator - News from the board
> All,
>     The U2UG board has been discussing the 'incubator plan' and we will
> soon be presenting a draft proposal to membership. Here's what we are
> discussing in broad brushstrokes - all feedback appreciated.
>     We want an *easy* *legal* way to get PE editions into the hands of
> business people, college students, entrepreneurs, and other market
> expanders. More than that, we need to get people a version of the PE
> software which is chock full of examples, training materials, and useful
> information.
>     Here's what we have in mind: We want to build an installer which
> pulls the PE editions from the IBM website (allowing the user to sign
> the IBM agreement), pulls Learner Packs from the U2UG website (allowing
> the user to sign the U2UG agreement - designed to protect the content
> all of you will - hopefully - contribute). Finally, the installer will
> bootstrap the Learner Packs into the PE installation, so the accounts,
> files, and programs, etc. are all in place.
>      The end result will be a full install, with URLs to get them to the
> U2UG and other key locations. It will allow people to see our technology
> in the best light possible. Opinions? Flames? Offers to Help?
>     Charles Barouch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> (718) 762-3884 x 1
>     P. O. Box 540957, Queens, NY 11354
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