I vote no. The UV/UD query language is fundamentally designed to work 
against one file with correlatives/I-types pointing to any other tables 
from which we require related data. This is something at the core of our 
environment. The problem here is, shall we say, problematic database 

In this age of nearly unlimited data storage capabilities why not just 
create one big happy file? Sure, use a bajillion indexes and if you are 
on Universe even make it a multi part file if you want, but why would 
you split data you want to report on via the query language into 
separate files?

Now granted, poor Ed probably inherited this turkey and now just wants 
to live with it. I'd suggest (ducks to avoid the lightning bolt that is 
come from the sky) an SQL query since UD has that option .

This isn't SQL, we don't do joins. Joins are evil and smell bad. :)

David Wolverton wrote:
> Question for everyone then: Should IBM invent a method to extend the Query
> languages of UniData/UniVerse to do this 'Temporal File' - a "Cross Data
> [snip]

Jeff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
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