Doug Chanco wrote:
Hello all,

     I am back in the universe world after working in jBASE for many
years now, is there a better tool than LIST.READU to show the locking
table? (similar to jBASE SHOW-ITEM-LOCKS which is pretty awesome)

It shows record locks BUT not what file the lock is on ....... I am
still learning our system and seeing a lock like "123456789" does not
tell me anything about what file the lock is on, I suppose I might be
able to figure out something with the inode but still ......

I wrote some code today in Universe on an AIX system; basic code locks a record, executes a LIST.READU to show user the locks, prompts user for Inode of the locked record and returns "ls data" for the pathname.

Quick and dirty, but it could be cleaned up and expanded to work for you...


Active Record Locks: Device.... Inode.... Netnode Userno Lmode Pid Login Id Item-ID............. 655393 573455 0 12 71 RU 53522 conv1234 ALLEN

INODE: 573455 12/09/07 04:59:17pm EXECUTING SH 'find / -inum 573455 -ls' 12/09/07 05:00:20pm 573455 276 -rw-rw---- 1 conv1234 conv1234 280576 Dec 7 12:34 /CONV1234/UV.E


FIND.LOCKED.FILE 0001 * UV.EXTRA.CONV; ADE.BP; FIND.LOCKED.FILE 0002 0003 * Quick & dirty - given inode of locked record from LIST.READU, 0004 * find the filepath. 0005 * 0006 * Code for demo purposes, sets own lock. 0007 * 0008 * ADE 12/09/07 - original design/coding 0009 0010 0011 * UniVerse Compiler Directives 0012 $OPTIONS EXEC.EQ.PERF ;*Compile EXECUTE as a PERFORM which reuses worksp ace 0013 $OPTIONS PIOPEN.EXECUTE ;*EXECUTE can use CAPTURING & RETURNING but reuse wrkspace 0014 $OPTIONS TIME.MILLISECOND ;* Return time in whole seconds 0015 0016 * Constants 0017 PROMPT "" 0018 0019 * Open the file, set the lock. 0020 OPEN "", "VOC" TO F.VOC ELSE 0021 CRT "YEAH RIGHT" 0022 STOP 0023 END 0024 D.VOC = "" 0025 * 0026 READU D.VOC FROM F.VOC, "ALLEN" THEN 0027 CRT "EXISTING - LOCKED" 0028 END ELSE 0029 CRT "NEW - LOCKED" 0030 END 0031 0032 * Show the lock(s). 0033 EXECUTE "LIST.READU ALL" 0034 0035 * Prompt user for INODE of locked record. 0036 CRT "INODE: ": 0037 INPUT INODE 0038 LEN.INODE = LEN(INODE) 0039 0040 CMD = "find / -inum ": INODE: " -ls" 0041 CMD = "SH '": CMD: "'" 0042 * 0043 CRT OCONV(DATE(), "D2/"): " ": OCONV(TIME(), "MTHS") 0044 CRT "EXECUTING ": CMD 0045 EXECUTE CMD CAPTURING CMD.CAP RETURNING CMD.RET 0046 CRT OCONV(DATE(), "D2/"): " ": OCONV(TIME(), "MTHS") 0047 * 0048 REM1 = 999 0049 LOOP WHILE REM1 NE 0 0050 REMOVE LINE FROM CMD.CAP SETTING REM1 0051 IF LINE[1, LEN.INODE] EQ INODE THEN 0052 CRT LINE 0053 END 0054 REPEAT 0055 0056 * Done. 0057 STOP

Allen Egerton
aegerton at pobox dot com
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