Hi Chuck,

Thanks for asking.

<AD> FileCaddy

We offer a product called FileCaddy which consists of two programs: TAPE.DUMP and TAPE.LOAD.

TAPE.DUMP dumps all the files in an account to tape, including dictionaries and sub-files, except for those dictionaries designated as DC type files to avoid dumping compiled program code which will not T-LOAD into Universe.

The header of each T-DUMP contains the information needed to create the file on the target system if it does not already exist.

The only files excluded are files with names longer than 25 characters, becaue the t-dump header is usually limited to 80 characters and must also contain the file characteristics data.

This usually is only affected by sub-datafiles eg. MYLONGFILENAME,MYLONGFILENAME, which can be transferred via telnet using tools like AccuTerm.

If a file name longer than 25 characters is found, it is identified on the screen and skipped by TAPE.DUMP.

TAPE.LOAD loads each T-DUMP onto the target system and creates the file as it goes if it does not exist.

You can choose to clear all data from the file, overwrite all the data that exists in the file or write only new items to the file.

If time is of any value at all , TAPE.DUMP and TAPE.LOAD will migrate software from one database to another in a fraction of a fraction of the time necessary using any type of telnet connection.

FileCaddy also includes a utility, SCRUB.ACCOUNT, that scans the data in each attribute, value and subvalue in an account for any ascii characters below 32 and above 126 and, if found, logs the filename, record name, item and offending ascii code(s) in the LOG file for review and, if/when elected, removes the offending ascii characters.

We run this on each account prior to running TAPE.DUMP to ensure that no files are dumped that will not load properly onto the target system.

We have used the FileCaddy programs to move accounts from AP/Pro, R91 (on C. Itoh), D3, mvBase and UniVerse to AP/Pro, D3, jBase, mvBase and UniVerse.

Since mvBase came from MentorPro, I expect that TAPE.DUMP will run on MentorPro without modification. The source code is included, however, and CASE statements are used for each database supported, so we will customize it, or help you customize it, for MentorPro if necessary.

<AD> SpoolerPlus

And, since we're talking about moving application software from a generic Pick database to Universe (or UniData or QM for that matter) please don't forget to mention SpoolerPlus to your customer, to retain the generic Pick print spooler they have come to love and cherish, to avoid retraining all their employees, to avoid paying lots of money to have all the SP-ASSIGN statements embedded in their software changed to SETPTR statements, to even have a spooler at all on UniVerse if you're installing it on a .doz operating system, to retain the flexible user of their printers for printing many different types of print jobs and to retain the print job management capabilities and flexibility of the generic Pick print spooler that they have in MentorPro.

Please let me know if you would like a demo of either of these products or if you have any questions or would like more information.


Congratulations to your customer for the move to UniVerse.

All the best,


Dave Taylor
Sysmark Information Systems, Inc.
Authorized IBM Business Partner
49 Aspen Way
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
(O) 800-SYSMARK (800-797-6275)
(F) 310-377-3550
(C) 310-561-5200
----- Original Message ----- From: "Results" <resu...@keyally.com>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:12 AM
Subject: [U2] Mentor Pro to UniVerse

I'm moving a customer from Mentor Pro to UniVerse. My gut tells me suck the data out through Telnet but I wondered if anyone has any advice on doing it by tape? I remember their being some nasty item-size limits with tape but it has been so long since I've done a tape anything... All help appreciated.

   - Chuck
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