I moved data from a GA R91 machine to Universe using Account saves and some 
modified programs from U2.

To read the tape and write a tape file on the disk to use to restore from:
Navigate to c:\ibm\u2\bin and run:

UVMT -d\\.\tape0 -bBLOCKSIZE -t fread > filename to Restore to

U2 provided the following set of programs originally designed to move data from 
D3 to Universe.
MVRESTORE.  Designed to restore an account save from R91 into an existing 
universe account.

Unlike D3RESTORE this routine restores the files into the account from which it 
is executed.  Also handles BSegments on tape.  Will create multi-level files 
where appropriate.

The 'R91' system has an additional tape record not seen on the 'MV' systems.  
For a type 'DC' file each item is followed by an 'ET' tape record.  The 'DC' 
file as I understand it represents an 'indirect reference'.  The 'ET' record 
seems to be a hex value that points to where the record in question is stored.  
Suspect this is either a disk record number or group number.

Put the routines in APP.PROGS file.  Compile all except 'COMMON'.  Catalog them 
globally, ie.,


In each account where you want to restore the data, create a simple pointer to 
'MVRESTORE', for example:

        001 V
        002 *MVRESTORE
        003 B
        004 N

Log in to the account on Universe that you want to restore.
Execute with image name on command-line, ie., 'MVRESTORE FILENAME from UVMT 
command created above'. The file must exist in the account you are to restoring.

Hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Results [mailto:resu...@keyally.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:12 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] Mentor Pro to UniVerse

   I'm moving a customer from Mentor Pro to UniVerse. My gut tells me 
suck the data out through Telnet but I wondered if anyone has any advice 
on doing it by tape? I remember their being some nasty item-size limits 
with tape but it has been so long since I've done a tape anything... All 
help appreciated.

    - Chuck
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