Laura - 

Would have thought this was laid to rest a long time ago. You're time with Codd 
and Date proves that the relational argument is really about standards, not the 
the relational data model. 

There are databases that have relational interfaces, that are not SQL/Btree 
based architectures. Network model databases and hierarchical model databases 
are still heavily in use in the world today. One data model that is dominant in 
the financial sector is the "network model", and this has nothing to do with 
hardware networking. Also, the object oriented databases are making a comeback 
in the transactional world. 

The problem is not the underlying data model, but it's the query and update 
interface languages. A database can be relational without being SQL; however, 
Unidata/Universe already have SQL, and all that probably needs to happen here 
is an upgrade to level of an Oracle or a MSSQL server -- in this area SQL. 

The success of U2 will not live or die because of the relational model, because 
they are already relational databases, at least to some extent -- as you have 
already pointed out. 

What we really need in the U2 world is constant innovation, a new, modern 
development platform, or several, the ability to use and interface to the 
Windows world with all it's wonderful tool sets. We just need some visionary 
injection into our world... 


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