>What we really need in the U2 world is constant innovation, a new, modern
development platform, or several, >the ability to use and interface to the
Windows world with all it's wonderful tool sets. We just need some 
>visionary injection into our world... 

Now I'm confused. What part of 'interface to the Windows world' can't you do
with UniVerse?
It has UO.net - which is cleaner and faster than any other DB interface I've
used - ADO.net, OleDB, ODBC, Web Services, nacent support for Entity
Framework (though what will happen to the ADO.NET provider following the
sale is up in the air) .. The only thing it really lacks is a good native
mode PHP provider. Calling Basic subroutines from any of these is no harder
than calling SQL stored procedures.

Of course, SQL Server has an excellent development tool - it's called Visual
Studio. So does UniVerse - it's called Visual Studio. You don't get as many
wizards when using UniVerse, but then if you're doing any real development
against SQL Server you will ignore the wizards anyway..

Oh, and back tracking a little, UniVerse does support referential integrity
if you define your files as SQL tables. It has the same CASCADE option found
on other RDBMS.

Just 'cos people don't use it, don't mean it ain't there.


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