[ OT from U2, just some weekened chatter ]

Of course all names have some raison d'ĂȘtre.  Debian is a
combination of the names of the author of the distro, Ian, and
his wife (GF?) Deb.  The problem is when the rest of the world
then needs to use these names in daily conversation.

Raining Data was originally conceived (maybe over too many
drinks) as a clever triple entendre, simultaneously meaning
"reigning database", "reining in of ones data", and (IIRC) some
play on the idea of organizing data elements as raindrops.  No
one ever played on those metaphors in public, err, at least not
after the management team that put that into place was sacked.
Until the last day before the name went into effect I asked them
to reconsider that the name would be more associated with bad
things, like storms, floods, draining, leaks, and drowning.
Personally I think TigerLogic is much cooler and represents that
company better.  :)

My original company name was going to be 3Laws, paying homage to
Issac Asimov's laws of robotics.  Not only was that too confusing
to people who didn't read sci-fi, wondering if this had something
to do with a new legal firm, but the Asimov estate didn't approve
the use of the name without some form of compensation.  When I
created Nebula Research and Development and the domain with
Nebula, a hyphen, and the RnD, I put the 'n' in there because I
didn't want people to see Nebula-RD and think it was some
combination of my business with Raining Data.  To this day I
regret that whole situation, and one day I might just get a new
domain, and maybe change the company name to something shorter
like Nebbletto.  ;)

I'm sure other companies have entertaining stories of the roots
of their (sometimes silly) names as well.


> From: Jeff Schasny
> grep and sed and really acronyms for global regular 
> expression parser and stream editor. Awk was named for 
> the 3 people who developed the language: Alfred Aho, 
> Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan
> Tony Gravagno wrote:
> > I stopped thinking anything was silly in IT after 
> > grep, awk, and sed.

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