Hi Brian:

Microsoft now has a plug-in for Eclipse see
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg413285.aspx.  Eclipse just
released version 3.7 around June 22nd and they have had a million plus
downloads.  They released 62 projects with over 46 million lines of code
see http://www.eclipse.org/org/press-release/20110622indigo.php.

Eclipse is one of the premier IDE's out in the world.  Do want to teach
people to use ED/AE to create files, edit dictionaries, and edit code all in
that pretty wrapper called Telnet?  Or do you want to show them a MS based
editor that only does that?  Sorry, your free product does not cut the
mustard here.

We need to teach the young people coming into U2 world to use the finest
tool that allows continuous compiling, templates, outlines, bookmarks,
version control, copying and pasting data, listing files, and searching all
within a single IDE to name just a few functions.  Whether the Eclipse IDE
is from U2logic or Rocket Software there is no other tools on the market
that can compare feature to feature.

We know you can do all of the above with wrappers, amazing VOC items, and
scripts, but we must have time warped back to 1990's because we don't really
need to explain these to a newbie.  Those newbie's think we are just a bunch
of old men and old women.  We know we are the best so lets look like with
our state of the art tools.

"Version control for the rest of us using Eclipse"

> >
> > And get rid of Eclipse. It's horrible.
> >
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