:-) is a smile, ;-) is a wink, :-( means angry and ;D is a big grin or laugh in Internetese.
Some people call them emoticons.
Don't tell you have never seen any of these?:-X

On 27/10/2011 18:23, Wjhonson wrote:
Means... what.
Obviously I can't read English because I simply don't get what it is at all.
Please explain it at the level of a person with an IQ of 95.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mecki Foerthmann<mec...@gmx.net>
To: u2-users<u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 10:22 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Avoiding deadly embraces

I think Asvin means this ;D
On 27/10/2011 17:33, Wjhonson wrote:
  First explain what you mean, then I can answer it.
  How do I do what?

  Will wrote:>   It seems like some of you have only ever worked on rather 
    systems, built by yourselves :)
    Try working on systems that have been accreting for twenty years,
    and built by sixteen other programmers over that time period.
  Asvin wrote: Big grin - how do you do that in internetese?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: asvin.dattani<asvin.datt...@hsbcib.com>
  To: U2 Users List<u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
  Sent: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 2:36 am
  Subject: Re: [U2] Avoiding deadly embraces

    To Asvin, you cannot set locks in the same sequence every time.
    This is because, in a sufficiently complex system you will have
    changes to Customer's possibly affecting Orders, Inventory, Payables...
    You can then have changes to Inventory possibly affecting Orders,
    Customers, Receivables...
    You can then have changes to Receivables, affecting Orders,
    Customers, Inventory...
    You can then have changes to Sales Reps affecting Customers,
  I did say "if you can arrange it" - I understand it may not always be
  ossible. Whenever you get a deadly embrace, examine the two programs
  nvolved and see if you can reorder the READU's. If you can, then that
  ill prevent the problem happening again.

    It seems like some of you have only ever worked on rather simple
    systems, built by yourselves :)
    Try working on systems that have been accreting for twenty years,
    and built by sixteen other programmers over that time period.
  Big grin - how do you do that in internetese?
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