I smell a troll, here and in your other posts today.  As I've
said here before, it's not about getting "smarter" - we pay for
"free" software with time or with money.  Invest some time to
learn how things work.  If you make the choice not to do that,
you are "free" to pay someone (who has made the investment) to
teach you or to implement for you.  That's the model.  If you
don't get it, that's unfortunate, but there's not much more
anyone can say to help.  Next topic...


> From: Wjhonson
> The problem I see is that telling people that they 
> could make free beer, is quite different in practice 
> from making free beer.
> I know that Tony feels like people should just get 
> smarter, but I'm not the only one who has pointed out 
> that there simply are no good install manuals for any 
> of the various free options.  Yes there are 
> installation instructions, but they quickly spiral off 
> into the level of geek speak that you have to already 
> know, in order to understand.  At which point most 
> people give up.

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