> From: Bill Haskett 
> Yea, well when I installed the xAdmin product it didn't do most
> UniAdmin did.  So I had to keep the old UniAdmin in order to manage
> U2 servers.  Not sure what xAdmin does now but it was pretty useless
> back in June of 2011.  :-( 

I did see XAdmin in DBTools but didn't load it to see what it did.
(Not sure that deserves a forehead slap but I'll take it.)
I don't see Eclipse as an application Deployment environment but as an
app Development environment. So I figured it was something completely
different.  (Note to Rocket engineering/marketing/doc people: you
might want to get some feel for whether this is a common perception.)

I didn't know UniAdmin was withdrawn as soon as XAdmin was introduced.
Very few companies do that for exactly the reason Bill cited.

I have the original UniAdmin from my prior install media and the
question is answered.

So now before I install, the questions are: 

How well does XAdmin replace UniAdmin?

How fast is Rocket working to bring back lost functionality?

Can XAdmin and UniAdmin be run in the same environment?

Is there any good resource for answers to these and related questions?
(Always looking to learn where to fish rather than asking for fish...)


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