I swear I wrote a new version of LIST.READU at one time where I dealt with this
and listed the file where the item was locked, but I can't find it anywhere. 
And now, of course, I'm obsessed with finding it.  If I find it I'll post it.

Quoting Wjhonson <wjhon...@aol.com>:

> It seems like an "on the fly" scan across all possible filesystems would be
> really slow.
> I can't see how you can escape having a cross reference that gets rebuilt
> periodically.
> No one is going to want to wait a minute in interactive mode for a response.
> No one else has encountered the issue that you can't tell what file a lock is
> being set on?
> Some people can tell from the key I suppose, at time, but many files can
> share a similar key.
> It seems odd to me, that after twenty years, we still have this issue in
> Universe.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Gallen <ggal...@wyanokegroup.com>
> To: U2 Users List <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
> Sent: Fri, Mar 16, 2012 1:46 pm
> Subject: Re: [U2] Turn a device and inode into file name
> As far as I understood, no, they are unique only to their device, so you
> could 
> ave multiple files
> ith the same inode in different filesystems.
> ----Original Message-----
> rom: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
> [mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] 
> n Behalf Of Wjhonson
> ent: Friday, March 16, 2012 4:44 PM
> o: donr_w...@yahoo.com; u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> ubject: Re: [U2] Turn a device and inode into file name
> Are inodes unique across all devices?  I was under the impression that they
> were 
> ot, and therefore you need both for a unique correspondence
> -----Original Message-----
> rom: Don Robinson <donr_w...@yahoo.com>
> o: U2 Users List <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
> ent: Fri, Mar 16, 2012 12:58 pm
> ubject: Re: [U2] Turn a device and inode into file name
> ry "ls -li |grep inode#" in the directory where the file is likley to be or
> s -liR / |grep inode#" to look everythere.
> ou may need root permissions to check some files.
> O warranty!
> on Robinson
> rom: Wjhonson <wjhon...@aol.com>
> : u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> nt: Friday, March 16, 2012 3:23 PM
> bject: [U2] Turn a device and inode into file name
> nyone have an easy way to do this?
>  the past I've run a batch routine to just query each and every Universe file
> r it's inode and device and build a table of these
> very week....
> ems like a great amount of overkill to me.
> u could also mod the CREATE-FILE command to sniff it and make an xref entry 
> t ....
> ny suggestions?
> is is NOT for the case where you know the file and want to find the inode and
> vice
> 's for the case where you know the inode and device (only) and want to find 
> e file.
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