What's the record count and total byte count?

... david ...

David L. Wasylenko
President, Pick Professionals, Inc
w) 314 558 1482

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Dave Laansma
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 9:41 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Monthly Multivalue Inserts and Speed

Results of the ANALYZE.FILE:

Dynamic File name                     = WHSE.STAT
Number of groups in file (modulo)     = 67801
Minimum groups of file                = 67801
Hash type = 0, blocksize = 16384
Split load = 10, Merge load = 5
Split/Merge type = KEYONLY

David Laansma
IT Manager
Hubbard Supply Co.
Direct: 810-342-7143
Office: 810-234-8681
Fax: 810-234-6142
"Delivering Products, Services and Innovative Solutions"

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of David L.
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 10:32 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Monthly Multivalue Inserts and Speed

3k isn't large.
#1 thing to look at is file size.

Change the file-type to dynamic.  It will not give the best performance 
compared to monitoring file size of a static file type, but over the long-term, 
avoids sizing issues that are the #1 reason for bad performance.

Can you perform an "ANALYZE.FILE {filename}"  and post the result?

... david ...

David L. Wasylenko
President, Pick Professionals, Inc
w) 314 558 1482

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Dave Laansma
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 9:30 AM
To: U2-Users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] Monthly Multivalue Inserts and Speed

I have a file that is taking a very long time to update, seemingly longer and 
longer each month. Here is briefly how the attributes are organized, a 
relatively simple example:


Attribute 1 is multivalued with our G/L Period, i.e. 12-01 vm 12-02 vm
12-03 etc.

Attributes 2 through 30 are dependent on attribute 1 and contain a variety of 
dollar amounts that are accumulated for the respective period in attribute 1.


At the end of each month, a new G/L Period is inserted into the multivalued 
position of attribute 1 as well as each of the respective multivalued positions 
in attributes 2 through 30. Nothing complicated.


My question is this and is aimed largely at the technicians at Rocket ...


If, at the beginning of the year, I were to insert each of the 12-periods into 
their respective multivalues in attribute 1 and insert respective <null> 
multivalues into attributes 2 through 30, thus performing all of the 'inserts' 
at once, will the processing each month run faster as numbers are simply 
accumulated into attributes 2 through
30 and no inserting of new multivalues will have to be performed?


A couple nuggets of information:


This is only an example. In the actual file, these records contain many other 
attributes and the records overall are relatively large, averaging lengths of 
about 3,000 according to FILE.STAT

These are not my files so reorganizing them is not an option.


The heart of this question is, as a (numeric) number is accumulated in an 
attribute, multivalue or subvalue, what causes the record to 'stretch' in 
length, thus presumably impacting performance?


I would like to think that numeric information is stored in a more 'compact' 
method than strings, thus using less space within the database ... but what I 
'like' and what 'is' are often quite different.





David Laansma

IT Manager

Hubbard Supply Co.

Direct: 810-342-7143

Office: 810-234-8681

Fax: 810-234-6142

www.hubbardsupply.com <http://www.hubbardsupply.com> 

"Delivering Products, Services and Innovative Solutions"


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