Yes, Will, I know you do -- but only when they know that it is Pick... if
they didnt know that they wouldn't have found your site! It's like knowing
you have some sort of difference from everyone else but don't know what to
ask Uncle Google, then one day someone says to you that you might have
Auspergers, and suddenly you have a label to search for... happened to a
friend who is so excited she has discovered that she is not alone..

but she first needed the label.

On 12 June 2012 09:38, Wjhonson <> wrote:

> "and who tells a
> newbie that UniVerse is Pick? Or jBase or D3 or Revelation or..."
> I do
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dennis bartlett <>
> To: U2 Users List <>
> Sent: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 4:32 pm
> Subject: Re: [U2] Regarding : Usage of the SEL.CMD
> The biggest problem we have experienced as Pickies has been that no-one has
> ver heard of it. Now, when there is evidence that someone is learning it,
> he likes of @PaulWilson shout, scream, and throw their toys out the cot...
> o figure!
> Whereas Java is an 'open' language with zillions of sites telling one
> XACTLY how to code, Pick is as closed as it comes. Info is extremely
> ifficult to come by unless you reach a group like this... and who tells a
> ewbie that UniVerse is Pick? Or jBase or D3 or Revelation or...
> Yes, I know it is annoying for some having to be reminded we all started
> omewhere.
> eah, I'm all for helping people know about this thing called Pick.. I've
> een doing it for over 30 years, like some other folk around here, but I'm
> till not going to get around to every site to fix their code. It'll be
> ice to know there's a growing fraternity of newcomers to it.. it might
> ive reason for companies to invest in it, and not see the lack of Pickies
> s reason to think there is no long term investment value...
> If you think that another 2000 pick-ites will put you out of a job, you
> eed to lift your eyes to the horizon. There are at least 4400 installed
> ites of Globus / T24, a banking app this is growing new programmers... and
> ven you will not be able to service the workload...
> dennis
> n 9 June 2012 05:48, u2ug <> wrote:
> > ... and then you should be all set to put everyone on this list out of a
>  job ...
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