Not sure what it's called in AIX/IBM speak but if it was a Solaris machine I'd 
be finding the system console and looking at that to see if anything 
interesting is showing. At least then you have a direct serial connection 
(and/or K/B + monitor) facility to get directly to the host without relying on 
telnet or any other communications daemon to be running.

Are you sure it's completely dead? What do you do to get back up and running 
again? Does it come alive again suddenly? The aix server we have here sometimes 
slows down so much during the nightly backup that it seems completely dead. 
Apparently this is/was the disks being thrashed during the save and nothing 
else gets a look in for ages.

As others have said - writing a sript to dump out current list of running 
processes is a good idea. You might want to also include some other stuff like 
the load averages and io activities on the system at the same time. See the 
uptime, iostat, and vmstat commands. ThIssuing a sngle iostat or vmstat may not 
always yield accurate results - my experience on Solaris is the first line of 
output is trash and you need the next few lines to get a clearer picture. So an 
'iostat 1 5' might get you a better idea as to where a potential bottleneck 
might be.

I'd also be running a similar script during the day or at least a few times 
during. This will give you a 'normal' point of reference to compare to the 
overnight happenings.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Thursday, 17 January 2013 4:40
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Unidata 6.1.13/AIX 5.3 Stops Unexpectedly

We have a customer with a box as described in the subject that has recently 
been experiencing something odd.  Overnight, the system will just lock up and 
stop responding.  Normally there isn't anyone doing anything at night; the 
backup runs, that sort of thing, but then some days when they come in early in 
the morning the entire machine is unresponsive.  Connecting with telnet there 
is no login prompt, just a blank screen.  It happened last night and I've 
confirmed from the logs that the backup (which is using a split mirror backup 
strategy) ran successfully and finished at 2:02am.
 Sometime between then and 4am, when there really should not have been anything 
going on, it just locked up.

Are there any logs that can be enabled on AIX to record some evidence for these 
kinds of failures so we can figure out what's going on with this machine?

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