Hi Dan.  

Instead of the case statement, which requires leapyear logic - Set YY to 
current year; set MM to current month.  Mm += 1; if 13 then MM = 1 AND YY += 1. 
 I.date = Iconv(MM / 01 / YY, 'd2/').  Then i.date -= 1.  That gives you last 
day of current month every time.  Then dow and roll back to thursday. 

Some liberties taken in typing above - iphone typing is tedious...

(Allen - Sent from my paperweight)

> On Dec 14, 2013, at 11:48 AM, Dan Fitzgerald <dangf...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> First, agreeing with Kevin. I've been amazed over the years at how many folks 
> represent that they have technical skills that they don't. 
> But, I got a good non-technical question recently: Describe a situation where 
> you argued strongly for a position and ended up changing your mind. I had a 
> wealth of examples to draw upon…
> Kevin: I'd take the month (verifying; gigo), then run it through a case 
> statement to determine the number of days in that month (sounds like a handy 
> subroutine to have in the toolbox). Then I'd convert to get the day of the 
> week, another case statement to get the number of days past Thursday, do the 
> math from the last DOM internal date, oconv the result, and grab a cup of 
> dark roast. There are probably more efficient ways, but that's how I'd work 
> it through my head in an interview.
>> Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 09:14:36 -0700
>> From: ke...@precisonline.com
>> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
>> Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions
>> David, I've used many of these questions in the past but where it fell down
>> was that it didn't give any real picture of technical ability. The one
>> question I've been using lately to assess technical thinking is "how would
>> you calculate the last Thursday in a month?" The answers have been
>> everywhere from accurate to sheer ridiculous. The unexpected takeaway from
>> this question is that it has helped to identify people who simply want to
>> answer quickly without thinking - not a good trait unless the answer is
>> right and to date that's happened a total of zero times - vs people who
>> think first and then give a reasoned response.
>> I've just found it too easy for people to stretch the truth when
>> explaining their
>> technical ability, so I'm asking questions intended to give some evidence.
>>> On Saturday, December 14, 2013, David Sharp wrote:
>>> Here is something I have used:
>>> What single project
>>> or task would you consider the most significant accomplishment in your
>>> career
>>> so far?
>>> ·
>>> Can you give me a detailed overview of the
>>> accomplishment?
>>> ·
>>> Tell me about the company, your title, your
>>> position, your role, and the team involved.
>>> ·
>>> What were the actual results achieved?
>>> ·
>>> When did it take place and how long did the
>>> project take.
>>> ·
>>> Why you were chosen?
>>> ·
>>> What were the 3-4 biggest challenges you
>>> faced and how did you deal with them?
>>> ·
>>> Where did you go the extra mile or take the
>>> initiative?
>>> ·
>>> Walk me through the plan, how you managed
>>> to it, and if it was successful.
>>> ·
>>> Describe the environment and resources.
>>> ·
>>> Describe your manager’s style and whether
>>> you liked it or not.
>>> ·
>>> Describe the technical skills needed to
>>> accomplish the objective and how they were used.
>>> ·
>>> Some of the biggest mistakes you made.
>>> ·
>>> Aspects of the project you truly enjoyed.
>>> ·
>>> Aspects you didn’t especially care about
>>> and how you handled them.
>>> ·
>>> How you managed and influenced other, with
>>> lots of examples.
>>> ·
>>> How you changed and grew as a person.
>>> ·
>>> What you would do differently if you could
>>> do it again.
>>> ·
>>> What type of formal recognition did your
>>> receive?
>>> Regards,
>>> David Sharp
>>>> Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 12:27:18 -0800
>>>> From: i...@keyway.net <javascript:;>
>>>> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org <javascript:;>
>>>> Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions
>>>> Please email me in regards to your ads. I am currently in between
>>>> contracts/assignments/projects and looking for my next assignment.
>>>> Multivalue languages I have been programming in:
>>>> * CACHE (language: MV BASIC)
>>>> * INFORMATION (language: INFO/BASIC)
>>>> * jBASE (language: jBC, jBASE BASIC, jBASIC)
>>>> * MVON/ONWARE (language: ONWARE BASIC)
>>>> * OPENINSIGHT (language: BASIC+)
>>>> * OPENQM, QM (language: QMBASIC)
>>>> * PICK, Advanced PICK, D3 (language: PICK BASIC)
>>>> * Power95 (language: DATA/BASIC, DATABASIC, DATA BASIC)
>>>> * UNIDATA (language: UNIBASIC)
>>>> * UNIVERSE (language: UNIVERSE BASIC)
>>>> * UNIVISION (language: UVBASIC)
>>>> * WebSphere DataStage (language: DSBASIC, DataStage BASIC)
>>>> Robert Norman, Multivalue Programmer/Analyst
>>>> (951) 541-1668
>>>>> On 10/7/2013 7:35 PM, Kevin King wrote:
>>>>> This is not specifically a job posting, but I do have ads up on
>>> Monster and
>>>>> LinkedIn looking for talent.
>>>>> At the risk of confessing too much, I have historically been far too
>>> easy
>>>>> in the interview process.  As a result, I have had some
>>> less-than-excellent
>>>>> hires and spent far too much time and money trying to rescue
>>>>> underperforming and/or recalcitrant staff.  Therefore, I'm planning to
>>> be
>>>>> much more discriminating this time around, and am building a series of
>>>>> technical questions to help quickly identify those that have the right
>>>>> skills, abilities, and attitude for our team compared to those who may
>>> not.
>>>>> That being said, I have a question for the group:
>>>>> Technical questions aside, what are the best interview questions you've
>>>>> asked, been asked, or otherwise heard about that help differentiate
>>> between
>>>>> the candidates worthy of additional consideration vs. those that are
>>> not?
>>>>> Each company is different of course, but that aside I'm hoping to get
>>> some
>>>>> ideas to cut to the heart of the matter as quickly and efficiently as
>>>>> possible, both for the sake of the interviewer and the interviewee.
>>> (My
>>>>> technical interview is bordering on 200 questions and growing at an
>>>>> alarming pace.) If there were a half dozen questions to open with that
>>>>> could help set the stage for what may be to come, that could be very
>>>>> beneficial for everyone in this mix.
>>>>> Also, in an effort to keep the OT to a minimum, please don't ask me
>>>>> questions about the positions here.  If you have questions, email me
>>>>> directly or through LinkedIn.  I'd prefer to keep this topic on point
>>> of
>>>>> your recommended interview questions.
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