I've been doing Eclipse IDE a lot longer than everybody else.  I'm not
bragging here: U2logic was the first with an editor that ran within Eclipse
IDE for Universe and Unidata in 2004.

I would have to save that I have updated many VOC items from XLr8Editor
Eclipse.  But that is not really point I have made in all of these years
trying to explain this technology.  If the U2 database environment is to
survive and grow, all of us programmers have to look like other programmers
in the world.  Very few of us should be using line by line editors for any

I firmly believe that the ED/AE should be removed from the database not
because the tools are not useful, but because it detracts from what can be
accomplished within the U2 environment.  When I'm at a client, or doing a
web demo, I have Eclipse running with code showing to showcase that U2 is
not a legacy technology.

When I'm coding and somebody who does not know U2 they can see these to
name few things:

   1. the code compiling on the spot
   2. built-in version control
   3. copy and paste capability
   4. dictionary editing in a grid
   5. an outline with all the variables and their respective line numbers
   6. code completion on my code variables
   7. a local search engine to look for U2 variables or subroutines
   8. a local search for just strings using regular expressions
   9. The ability to have multiple sessions open and manage those sessions
   10. The ability to sync your local storage with the database with a
   single click

Those people have a better feeling about the technology they purchase then
seeing some typing "OOPS" or "C/oldvariable/newvarable/g".

"XLr8Editor saves time for U2 programmers"

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 8:16 AM, George Gallen <ggal...@wyanokegroup.com>wrote:

> Doug,
> I totally disagree!  Yes, once you get used to a GUI editor, ED/AE can be
> tough, but it has it's merits too.
> One, it's quick - it's ALWAYS available.
> Would you honestly invoke a GUI editor to make a quick change to a VOC
> entry?
> It's a tool of the trade - it needs to be a required learn
> George
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