At 12:38 PM 02/04/2004, you wrote:
Is there a performance advantage to using one or the other? I realize this might be a touchy topic but it's one I've been wondering about for some time. the ProVerb manual makes it sound like procs were a migration tool of sorts.

Paragraphs are only slightly more efficient than a proc for the simple reason that a line within a paragraph is first scanned for any inline prompting, then immediately handed off to the command line execution process, whereas a proc must first interpretively assemble the command line then, when the P command is found, hands it off to the command line execution process (which of course scans for any inline prompting). Think of a paragraph as simply a stack of command lines executed in order (albeit with some testing/branching logic). Think of a proc as... well.. cryptic... *S* With processor speeds being what they are today, I doubt very much that the minute speed differences matter much (IMO).

The reason uv proc was considered a migration tool is that within the original implementation of uv, there was no pick support (only ideal and prime flavors). It was envisioned that people would migrate those nasty, cryptic procs (which by the way, I DO not consider nasty) to paragraphs. Only hitch was that paragraphs did not support all the functionality available with procs (jump backwards to labels, error handling, etc...) so a proc processor was created. Granted, it was not 100% compatible with Pick (see other thread related to proc error handling), but it certainly eased those migrations (i was involved in quite a few of them back in the 80s).

L. Slingford
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