Comments and responses embedded in the text below.

Lee Bacall wrote:

What support means is that:
1. The end user can get answers today.
2. The vendor is assured of a continuing revenue stream.
3. The end user will continue to get answers tomorrow and in the future.

4. You get to express an opinion about future versions of the product. 5. You get the option to upgrade.

Because of the continuing revenue stream to the vendor a) The vendor will be able to remain in business b) The vendor will continue to employ people in support c) The vendor will continue to spend money on R&D and improve the products you are using. d) Documentation writers will continue to get paid and continue to update the knowledge base.

Also note that the vendor is not in this for their health. They are in it to make profit. If they don't make a profit, the stockholders get unhappy, money disappears, vendor drops the product (or in smaller cases, goes out of business). When the "Universe/Unidata is dead" crowd starts their chants, I point out to my clients the revenue gained from maintenance (ie. support contracts) currently ensures the viability of the product line. Nobody with a spreadsheet to analyze willing kills a cash cow, be it IBM, Informix, Ardent, Vmark, etc. Of course, if maintenance revenue dries up or cost/profit ratio gets too slim, that's when an existing product line is in real trouble.

Please post further discussion on this topic to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We're getting quite a ways away from a technical discussion now.
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