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Jono Bacon wrote on 16/04/11 20:05:
> On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 03:00 +0100, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
>> Last week, Charline Poirier ran a user test of Unity, with 11
>> individual participants. This week, I have helped Charline analyze the
>> results.
> Wonderful work, and now very visible work:
> http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/04/16/0239213/5-Out-of-11-Crashed-Unity-In-Canonicals-Study
>  ;-)

Up to Slashdot's usual standards, I see.

To correct the obvious from that post:

*   No, "the results" of the study have not been published. Charline
    will do that soon.

*   No, my name is not Rick Spencer. (rickspencer4?)

*   The object of the study was, obviously, not to measure crashes.
    Crashes are usually quick to find and fix, so any user test of those
    would be weeks out of date when published. I mentioned them only as
    a reminder that to users, bugs are indistinguishable from design
    flaws, and vice versa. (For example, one test participant pressed
    Ctrl Alt F1 apparently by accident, and ended up at a console. This
    wasn't a crash, but it had exactly the same effect as one.)

> I think this feedback points to a series of design and engineering bugs
> that we need to resolve in 11.10. Have the design bugs been filed in
> Launchpad?

Charline has been working with John Lea on that today.

> I think it could be worthwhile to rate the prioritization of the design
> bugs based upon the level of success in your study. As an example, if
> 1/12 achieved a task, it would be a high priority bug, as opposed to if
> 10/12 achieved the task it would be a low priority bug.

I'll pass that on to John.

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