On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Evan Martin <e...@chromium.org> wrote:
> (Chrome shows a systray icon when it has gone into "background" mode:
> no visible windows, but still running.  This allows extensions and
> apps to work in an "offline" fashion; e.g. a mail notifier can tell
> you you have new mail, and clicking would bring up a browser window.)

Application indicator documentation is here:

There's a fallback there so that if libappindicator isn't running your
app can just use the notification area.

> PS: I would love it if you published some guidelines about how to port
> apps to Unity.  Maybe these exist?  I haven't looked around too hard.

http://developer.ubuntu.com is finally starting to come together,
we're hoping this will be the one stop shop for upstream app

http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ is probably the most interesting to you.

We also have a contact us page for any application developer that
needs a direct line to an engineer if they need help:

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
Help fix Unity Bitesize Bugs: http://goo.gl/i1WA1

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