On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Paul Smith <p...@mad-scientist.net> wrote:
> This is terrible.  I use Remmina every single day, even at the old
> broken 1.x version.

I'm only suggesting that Remmina (and vino) not be installed by
default, not that it be removed from the Ubuntu repositories.

> As others have pointed out, the solution to that is to convince Debian
> to get its act together.

I'm not sure that this is really the Debian maintainer's fault.
Debian's next stable release is basically final now and it is not
possible at all to update apps to major new versions now or to
reintroduce removed packages.

Remmina's new release has been in beta for years and it's still not
been declared stable yet. Meanwhile, the Remmina team stopped
supporting the "stable" version. That puts an LTS distribution in a
tough position, but anyway it's too late to change this for Debian
Stretch now.

> [1] The fact that we are willing to switch to Wayland before this issue
> has been fully addressed is a failure on the part of Ubuntu.  Ubuntu
> needs to use its influence for good here, and convince Wayland to focus
> on achieving parity with X ASAP so that it can actually be a viable
> replacement before it can be used on Ubuntu.

This needs to happen in GNOME on Wayland, not Wayland generally. The
GNOME developers are already well aware that remote desktop sharing is
a useful and important feature. There's a lot of work to be done
everywhere and there are not enough workers to get everything done


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