On Mon, 25 Apr 2016, Set Hallstrom wrote:

Here is the Yakketi Yak Package Selection wiki-page:

Please have a look at it. On this page you can write your suggestion(s) for packages that should be *added*, *removed* or *replaced*. However, if you have any such suggestion(s), it would be nice if you could also reply to this email here on the -devel list. Email being a better format than the wiki for discussion, but also to make sure everyone is included in the loop.

Good idea.

So far here are some thigns that have been added:
Drumgizmo and it's editor dgedit
        For those who want drums that sound like drums and not a drum

Drop gnome-color-manager which we have never gotten to work right and add dispcalgui (DisplayCAL) which at least seems to work for us. Can anyone with a real colorimeter try this? :)

Drop recordmydesktop as no one seems to get good results from it VokoScreen seems to work well for at least some people. I think a solid sound setup in the first place would help others. (basically making sure pulse sees no physical devices, but jack only, helps a lot)

Len Ovens

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